Bladed Weapons Classes

Bladed Weapons

Women's Bladed Weapons- Blades are great force equalizers and can be faster and easier to deploy than firearms in extreme close range engagements. Some women do not carry firearms due to clothing, comfort, or due to toddlers and children in which blades excel.  Come learn how to defend yourself and your family with one. (4hrs/$75)

Bladed Weapons 1- Bladed weapons are great force equalizers in close range encounters or quick reaction engagements where a firearm is not a viable. Even if you cannot carry at your job, or forget your gun at home, have a tool and an option to defend yourself. Students will cover choosing a blade, history, wound patterns, proper cuts and form, and more. (4hrs/$75)

Close Quarters Bladed Weapons Scenarios (Blade 2)- Topics will include Extreme Close Quarters, use of a blade for handgun retention, ground work, multiple attackers, and vehicle defense. (4hrs/$75) 

Advanced Combative Blades (Blade 3)- We will be looking at advanced combative blades including knife defense/disarms, multiple attackers, and working with tomahawks in an offensive and defensive capability! (4hrs/$85)


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