Bladed Weapons Classes

Bladed Weapons

Bladed Weapons 1-
Bladed weapons are great force equalizers in close range encounters or quick reaction engagements where a firearm is not a viable. Even if you cannot carry at your job, or forget your gun at home, have a tool and an option to defend yourself. Students will cover choosing a blade, history, wound patterns, proper cuts and form, and more. (4hrs/$85)

Bladed Weapons for Self-Defense- Blades can be easier to deploy than firearms in extreme close range engagements. There are also times in which a blades excels over a gun. Come learn how to defend yourself and your family with one. This class will be a combination of Blade 1 and 2 with aspects of 3. It will cover deployment, laws, types of cuts, footwork, weapon retention, ECQB, and more! (8hrs/$175)

Close Quarters Bladed Weapons Scenarios (Blade 2)- Topics will include Extreme Close Quarters, use of a blade for handgun retention, ground work, multiple attackers, and vehicle defense. (4hrs/$90) 

Advanced Combative Blades (Blade 3)- We will be looking at advanced combative blades including knife defense/disarms, multiple attackers, and working with tomahawks in an offensive and defensive capability! (4hrs/$95)


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