

A $50 non-refundable AND non-transferable deposit will be needed to register! This DOES count towards your class payment! To register for a class, please pay the deposit under the payments tab, and send us a message through the contact form or via email to to specify which class and which date. Note- all class prices include range fees.

After your THIRD class with ADG, you will be considered an alumni “Pack Member” which gives you $50 off every class over $100 and $20 off any class between $25 and $100 for as long, and as many, classes as you want to take.




FULL Saturday 1/4/25- Rifle Range Day (Zero, Dope, etc.) (9am-1pm/$95/100 rounds)- FULL

FULL-Saturday 1/4/25- Rifle Marksmanship Clinic (1:30pm-5:30pm/$95/125 rounds)- FULL

Saturday 1/4/25- Intro into Night Vision (6pm-9:30pm/$85)- 2 spots

FULL-Saturday 1/11/25- Defensive Handgun 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds) -FULL

FULL  Saturday 1/18/25- Solo CQB/ Home Defense 1 (9am-5pm/$200) - FULL

FULL Saturday 1/18/25- Solo CQB/ Home Defense Darkness (white light) (5:30pm-9pm/$85)- FULL

FULL Sunday 1/19/25- De-Escalation and Disengagement (9am-1pm/$85)-FULL

FULL  Sunday 1/19/25- Pistol Tune-Up (1pm-5pm/$95/250 rounds)- FULL

Saturday 1/25/25- NC Concealed Carry (9am-5pm/$85/50 rounds)

FULL Saturday 1/25/25- Tactical Medicine 1 / TECC (9am-5pm/$175) - FULL

FULL Sunday 1/26/25- Beginner Rifle (1pm-5pm/$85/75 rounds)- FULL



FULL Saturday 2/1/25 and Sunday 2/2/25- 2-Day Intro into Long Range Shooting (9am-4:30pm/$325/75 rounds) - FULL

FULL Saturday 2/8/25- Stop the Bleed (6pm-8pm/$25) - FULL

FULL Sunday 2/9/25- Squad Tactics 101: Force on Force (9am-5pm/$175)- FULL

FULL Sunday 2/9/25- Squad Tactics Darkness: White Light (5:30pm-9pm/$75)- FULL 

Saturday 2/15/25- RECCE Workshop (9am-3pm/$155/50 rounds) - 2 spots

FULL Saturday 2/15/25- Citizen Unarmed Active Shooter Response (5pm-7:30pm/$25) - FULL

FULL Sunday 2/16/25- Land Navigation 101 (9am-1pm/$85)- FULL

FULL Sunday 2/16/25- Beginner Pistol (1pm-5pm/$85/75 rounds) -FULL

Saturday 2/22/25- Bladed Weapons for Self-Defense (9am-4:30pm/$175) - 2 spots 

Saturday 2/22/25- Self Defense Concepts (5pm-9pm/$95) - 2 spots

FULL-  Sunday 2/23/25- Defensive Shotgun 1 (11:30am-5:30pm/$175/150 rounds)- FULL



FULL Saturday 3/1/25- Defensive Rifle 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds) - FULL

FULL Saturday 3/1/25- Live Fire NVG Operator 1 (Suppressor and NVGs Required) (6pm-9:30pm/$125/150 rounds) - FULL

FULL  Sunday 3/2/25- Red Dot Pistol Clinic (11:30pm-5:30pm/$175/350 rounds) - FULL

Saturday 3/8/25- Defensive Handgun 1 Skills and Drills (9am-1pm/$95/250 rounds)- 3 spots

Saturday 3/8/25- Defensive Rifle 1 Skills and Drills (1pm-5pm/$95/250 rounds) - 2 spots

Sunday 3/9/25- Rural Small Unit Tactics (9am-1pm/$85) - 3 spots

Sunday 3/9/25- Urban Small Unit Tactics (1pm-5pm/$85) -  1 spot

FULL Saturday 3/15/25- Rifle/Pistol Movement Fundamentals (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds) - FULL

Saturday 3/15/25- Advanced Live-Fire Night Vision Operations (NVG and Suppressor Required) (6pm-9:30pm/$150/175 rounds)- 6 spots 

Sunday 3/16/25- Situational Awareness 101 (9am-3:30pm/$85) - 4 spots

Saturday 3/22/25 and Sunday 3/23/25- 2-Day Civilian SERE Experience (Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape) (32 hours/$395) - 4 spots

Saturday 3/29/25- Paladin 1-Exective Protection (9am-4pm/$195/300 rounds)

Saturday 3/29/25- Shootfit (5pm-7:30pm/$85/120 rounds)

Sunday 3/30/25- Land Nav 2 (9am-1pm/$95) - 1 spot



Saturday 4/5/25- 3-Gun Clinic (9am-5pm/$175/200 rounds pistol/150 rifle/75 shotgun)

Sunday 4/6/25- Wilderness First Aid (9am-5pm/$175)

Sunday 4/6/25- Beginner Rifle (1pm-5pm/$85/75 rounds)- 4 spots

Saturday 4/12/25 and Sunday 4/13/25- 2-Day Defensive Handgun Performance Class w/ Low Light (9am-9pm on Day 1 and 9am-5pm Day 2/$375 /750 rounds for both days) - 3 spots

Saturday 4/19/25- Escape and Evasion in Urban Areas/Gray Man (9am-1pm/$95)

Saturday 4/19/25- Escape and Evasion in Rural Areas (1pm-5pm/$95)

Saturday 4/19/25- Escape and Evasion Darkness (6pm-9pm/$80)

Saturday 4/19/25- Intro into Disaster Radio Operations and Communications (9am-4:30pm/$150)

Sunday 4/20/25- Happy Easter! Christ has risen to save and redeem the world!

Saturday 4/26/25- Pistol Performance Workshop (9am-4pm/$175/400 rounds) -5 spots

 Saturday 4/26/25-Bladed Weapons for Self-Defense 1 (5pm-9pm/$85)

Sunday 4/27/25- Foraging and Edible Plant ID (9am-1pm/$80)

Sunday 4/27/25- Medicinal and Herbal Remedies Plant ID Class (1pm-5pm/$80)



FULL-Saturday 5/3/25- Church Security Seminar (9am-3:30pm/$150)-FULL

Sunday 5/4/25- Restraint Escape and Evasion 1 (9am-3pm/$85) - 6 spots

Sunday 5/4/25- CCW Force on Force Scenarios (3pm-7pm/$85)

Saturday 5/10/25- Intro into Sniper and Counter Operations (8:30am-5:30pm/$195/5 rounds)

Saturday 5/10/25- K9 Medicine (9am-5pm/$200)

Sunday 5/11/25- Mother’s Day Pistol Class (1pm-4:30pm/$75/100 rounds)

Saturday 5/17/25- CORE Rifle Fundamentals (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds) - 5 spots

Sunday 5/18/25- Camo and Recon 2 (9am-4pm/$175) - 6 spots

Saturday 5/24/25- Scoped Carbine/DMR 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds) - 4 spots

Sunday 5/25/25- Solo CQB/ Home Defense 1 (9am-5pm/$200)

Sunday 5/25/25- Solo CQB NVG (5:30pm-9pm/$95)

Saturday 5/31/25- Long Range Shooting 2 (9am-4pm/$200/150 rounds)



Sunday 6/1/25- Foraging and Edible Plant ID (9am-1pm/$80)

Sunday 6/1/25- Medicinal and Herbal Remedies Plant ID Class (1pm-5pm/$80)

Saturday 6/7/25 and Sunday 6/8/25- 2-Day Preparedness Skills (Land Nav, Water Purification, Outdoor Cooking, Wilderness First Aid, Camp Sanitation, Camping Skills, Fire, Edible Plant ID, and more) (9am-5pm w/ camping available ($385)

Saturday 6/14/25- Pistol Marksmanship Clinic (9am-3pm/$175/350 rounds)

Sunday 6/15/25- Father’s Day Rifle Class (1pm-4pm/$85/175 rounds)

Saturday 6/21/25- Mass Casualty Triage and Medical Response (9am-3pm/$175)

Saturday 6/21/25- Bladed Weapons for Self-Defense 1 (5:30pm-9:30pm/$85)

Sunday 6/22/25- Beginner Pistol Skills and Drills (1pm-5pm/$95/250 rounds)

Saturday 6/28/25 and Sunday 6/29/25- 2-Day Tactical Medicine 1 / TECC (9am-4pm/$300) - 4 spots

Saturday 6/28/25- Low Light Medical Class (6pm-9pm/$85)



Saturday 7/5/25- Defensive Handgun 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds)

Saturday 7/5/25-EDC Low Light (6pm-9:30pm/$95/125 rounds)

Sunday 7/6/25- Situational Awareness 101 (9am-3pm/$85)

Sunday 7/6/25- Land Navigation 1: Terrain Maps and Compasses (3pm-7pm/$85)

Sunday 7/6/25- Intro into Land Navigation in Darkness (8pm-11pm/$75)

Saturday 7/12/25- Women’s Self Defense and Concealed Carry Skills (9am-4pm/$175/150 rounds)

Saturday 7/12/25- Bladed Weapons 101 (5:30pm-9:30pm/$85)

Sunday 7/13/25- Defensive Shotgun 1 (11:30am-5:30pm/$175/150 rounds)

Sunday 7/13/25- Baton Fundamentals (6pm-9:30pm/$85)

Saturday 7/19/25- Dynamic Team CQB (9am-4pm/$175)

Saturday 7/19/25- NC Concealed Carry (9am-5pm/$85/50 rounds)

Sunday 7/20/25- Camo and Recon 1 (9am-5pm/$295 including you suit which you keep) - 5 spots

Saturday 7/26/25- Defensive Rifle 2 (9am-5pm/$195/400 rounds)

Sunday 7/27/25- Survival Medicine and Pharmacology (9am-1:30pm/$95)

Sunday 7/27/25- Defensive Rifle 2 Skills and Drills (3pm-7pm/$95/250 rounds)



Saturday 8/2/25- CCW Skills Class: Hand to hand, Situational Awareness, Weapon Retention, EDC shooting, medical, force on force, and low light)- (8am-8pm/$275/250 rounds)

Saturday 8/2/25- Intro into Disaster Radio Operations and Communications (9am-4:30pm/$150)

Sunday 8/3/25- Rural Small Unit Tactics (9am-1pm/$85)

Sunday 8/3/25- Urban Small Unit Tactics (1pm-5pm/$85)

Saturday 8/9/25- Defensive Handgun 2 (9am-5pm/$195/400 rounds)

Sunday 8/10/25- Shooting Transition Workshop (1pm-5pm/$95/250 rounds)

Sunday 8/10/25- World Threat Assessment (6pm-9pm/$75)

Saturday 8/16/25- Rifle/Pistol Movement Fundamentals (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds)

Sunday 8/17/25- Camo and Recon 3 (9am-4pm/$175)

Sunday 8/17/25-Stop the Bleed (5pm-7pm/$25)

Saturday 8/23/25- Defensive Handgun 2 Skills and Drills (9am-1pm/$95/250 rounds)

Saturday 8/23/25- DMR Skills and Drills (1pm-5pm/$95/150 rounds)

Sunday 8/24/25- Movement Fundamentals Skills and Drills (12pm-4pm/$95/250 rounds)

Saturday 8/30/25- Defensive Rifle 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds)

Sunday 8/31/25- CQB Shotgun (12pm-6pm/$175/175 rounds)



Saturday 9/6/25- Pistol Recoil Management Workshop (9am-1pm/$95/175 rounds)

Saturday 9/6/25- One Handed Shooting Clinic (1pm-4pm/$75/125 rounds)

Saturday 9/6/25- Fundamentals of the Draw Clinic w/ Low Light (4pm-8pm/$95/125 rounds)

Sunday 9/7/25- Situational Awareness 2 (12pm-6pm/$95)

Sunday 9/7/25- Defensive Revolver (12pm-6pm/$165/300 rounds)

Saturday 9/13/25 and Sunday 9/14/25- 2-Day Intro into Long Range Shooting (9am-4:30pm/$325/75 rounds)

Saturday 9/13/25- Intro into Night Vision (6pm-9:30pm/$95)

Saturday 9/20/25- Injured Shooter Pistol/Rifle Class (9am-4pm/$175/150 rounds pistol/125 rifle)

Saturday 9/20/25- Live Fire NVG Operator 1 (Suppressor and NVGs Required) (6pm-9:30pm/$125/150 rounds)

Sunday 9/21/25- De-Escalation and Disengagement (9am-1pm/$85)

Sunday 9/21/25- Beginner Pistol (1pm-5pm/$85/75 rounds)

Saturday 9/27/25- Long Range 3 (9am-3pm/$200/125 rounds)

Saturday 9/27/25- Blade 2 (5:30pm-9:30pm/$90)

Sunday 9/28/24- EDC Skills and Drills (12pm-4:30pm/$95/250 rounds) 



Saturday 10/4/25- Tactical Medicine 1 / TECC (9am-5pm/$175)

Saturday 10/4/25- NC Concealed Carry (9am-5pm/$85/50 rounds)

Saturday 10/4/25- Night Vision Medical Scenarios (6pm-9pm/$85)

Sunday 10/5/25- Intro into Survival Skills (9am-2pm/$80)

Sunday 10/5/25- Beginner Rifle (2pm-6pm/$85/75 rounds)

Saturday 10/11/25- Vehicle Defense 1 (9am-5pm/$275/100 rounds)

Saturday 10/11/25- Vehicle Defense Darkness (White-Light) (5:30pm-9:30pm/$95)

Sunday 10/12/25- Data Transmissions in Non-Permissible Environments (TAILs) w/ Mining Ridge Armory (9am-4pm/$150)

Sunday 10/12/25- Self-Defense Concepts (9am-3pm/$125)

Saturday 10/18/25- Solo CQB/ Home Defense 1 (9am-5pm/$200)

Saturday 10/18/25- Solo CQB Darkness (White Light) (5:30pm-9pm/$85)

Saturday 10/18/25- Camo and Recon Night Stalks and Evasion (6pm-10pm/$95)

Sunday 10/19/25- Camo and Recon 4 (3:30am-12pm/$175/5 rounds)

Saturday 10/25/25- 2-Gun Clinic- (9am-5pm/$175/250 rounds pistol/150 rifle)

Saturday 10/25/25- Advanced Combative Blades (5pm-9pm/$95) 

Sunday 10/26/25- CQB 2 (9am-5pm/$195/25 rounds) 



Saturday 11/1/25- Tactical Medicine 2 (9am-5pm/$175/100 rounds)

Saturday 11/1/25- Low Light Medical Scenarios (6pm-9pm/$85)

Sunday 11/2/25- Drone Warfare/Counter Drone Strategies (9am-3pm/$195)

Saturday 11/8/25- Advanced Warfighter Rifle (9am-4:30pm/$200/400 rounds)

Sunday 11/9/25- Pistol Marksmanship Clinic (12pm-6pm/$175/300 rounds)

Sunday 11/9/25- NVG Operator 1 (6pm-9:30pm/$125/100 rounds)

Saturday 11/15/25- Concealed Defensive Handgun 1/EDC1 (9am-4pm/$175/300 rounds)

Saturday 11/15/24- Defensive Handgun Low Light (5:30pm-9pm/$95/125 rounds)

Sunday 11/16/25- Situational Awareness 101 (9am-3pm/$85)

Saturday 11/22/25- Vehicle Defense 2 (9am-4pm/$250/150 rounds) - 4 spots

Saturday 11/22/25- Vehicle Defense NVG (6pm-9pm/$95/50 rounds)

Sunday 11/23/25- Rifle Marksmanship Clinic (1pm-5:30pm/$95/125 rounds)



Saturday 12/6/25- Advanced Carry Pistol (9am-5pm/$200/400 rounds)

Saturday 12/6/25- Defensive Low Light w/ Force on Force (6pm-9pm/$85/75 rounds)

Sunday 12/7/25- Advanced Tactical Technical Medical Skills (9am-4pm/$225)

Saturday 12/13/25-Defensive Rifle 1 (9am-4pm/$175/350 rounds)

Saturday 12/13/25- NC Concealed Carry (9am-5pm/$85/50 rounds)

Saturday 12/13/25- Urban Squad NVG – Force on Force (6pm-9pm/$95)

Sunday 12/14/25- Survival Medicine and Pharmacology (8am-1pm/$95)

Sunday 12/14/25- Beginner Pistol (1pm-5pm/$85/75 rounds)

Saturday 12/20/25 and Sunday 12/21/25- 2-Day Active Shooter Armed Response (9am-4:30pm/$325/200 rounds)

Saturday 12/20/25- Stop the Bleed (5:30pm-7:30pm/$25)


Private lessons will be available every Tuesday in 2-hour ($100) or 4-hour ($200) sessions.

Every Thursday will be available for corporate Stop the Bleed classes, Active Shooter Response classes, Situational Awareness, and Self-Defense at your job site or our facility starting at $250.

Every other Friday will be available for corporate or private group range days starting at $250.


All classes are located in around the Piedmont Triad in central North Carolina. We will vary from Winston Salem, Burlington, Rural Hall NC, and more!


A certificate of completion will be given at the end of each class. Couples, groups, and agency discounts will be given!

If you want a class, you do not see scheduled, call us and we will put one on the books.


Get Started

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