Camo and Recon Classes

Camo and Recon

Camo and Recon 1- This class is for armed professionals (Mil/LE) or responsible citizens who seek to be better prepared or further their training. Students will learn to make their own ghillie suits and will make one in class which they can keep, utilize natural concealment, move unseen, gather intelligence and conduct reconnaissance, disguise their firing position, and more. All materials will be provided including suits for the students to keep should you choose. (8hrs/$150 w/o suit and $275 w/ suit)

Camo and Recon 2- This class is for students who have passed our Camo and Recon 1 class. This class will consist of stalking exercises, camo and recon scenarios, making blinds, movement unseen, and force on force engagements from concealment. (8hrs/$150)

Camo and Recon 3- This class is for armed professionals (Mil/LE) or responsible citizens who seek to be better prepared or further their training. This class will cover camo/stalks under darkness and low light conditions, finding the right firing position, making the shot from concealment, and extrication/movement unseen as well as force on force scenarios. (8hrs/$170)


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