There have been over 1000 deadly force encounters in churches within the last fifteen years. In the last decade, there have been twice as many deaths on religious property than there have been in school shootings. Heartbreaking, but recent examples of the importance for church security is the Texas Church massacre in November of 2017 and the Charleston, SC church shooting in June of 2015. Major pastoral blogs, and even state law and insurance agencies highly recommend even a basic level of security for churches. While it is saddening and unsettling that church security is growing in relevance and need, Apex is equipped to handle all your security needs. We have a staff of highly trained and experiences professionals who are trained in security procedures, weapons training, self-defense, and security consulting. The wonderful thing about our church security training, is that churches can choose all services listed to fit their budget, needs, and concerns.
We are a faith-based company who feels there is no greater calling than this.
ADG offers a FREE 2hr presentations to congregations on what to do during violent events, as well as to talk to the congregation about starting or developing a team. We talk with churches for free to review their security and present to the board as part of our "Protect the Pew" Initiative.
1) Open enrollment Church Security Seminars
2) Security Team Training-
3) Active Shooter Training for Churches-
4) Basic church security information/ presentations-
5) Physical Security-
6) Medical Training -
7) Full Comprehensive Church Security Exercises Including Multiple Large-Scale Scenarios
Please contact us for a comprehensive list or to schedule a training seminar or presentation!
*Churches receive a significant discount for all church security training