Movement Fundamentals- Grab your pistol and carbine and come join us for a movement fundamentals clinic. Learn proper footwork, explosive movement, getting off the X, and how to properly shoot on the move with speed and accuracy. Perfect for competition or defensive shooters. (7hrs/$175/200 rounds pistol/ 150 rounds carbine needed).
Shootfit!- This class will combine fitness drills and shooting so the student enhances fundamentals under fatigue, stress, and muscle exhaustion all while working on fitness and function. (3hrs/$85/100 rounds pistol and 75 rounds rifle needed)
Injured Shooter- This class will work rifle and pistol manipulations all one handed or while "injured" including a medical Stop the Bleed block for balancing the tactical problem with the medical dilemma. This is a great course for shooters who want to have the skills needed to stay in the fight! (7hrs/$175/150 rounds pistol and 125 rifle)
2-Gun and 3-Gun Classes- We will be offering a 2-Gun and a 3-Gun class this year. The they will both be competition based shooting. We will be honing shooting, movement, scoring, transitions, etc and will have competition stages run at the start and end (8hrs/$175/200 rounds pistol/150 rifle- add 75rnds shotgun for the 3 gun class)
Vehicle Defense- People spend hundreds of hours in their vehicles every year! Students will learn how to shoot in, and around a vehicle. We will also test the ballistic effects of car doors, windshields, and more. Class is This is a full day of learning, all force on force materials including vehicles are included. We will add a trauma block onto the end of class to include basic Stop the Bleed principles. This will be force on force and live-fire class. (8hrs/$275/75 rounds pistol and 50 rounds rifle needed)
Vehicle Defense Low Light- This class will be looking at lighting techniques in and around vehicles, the pho-tonic barriers, and bailing with lights. There is a force on force portion and live-fire portion. (4hrs/$95/30 rounds pistol and 30 rounds rifle)
Vehicle Defense 2- This will be a very dynamic and aggressive class with solo and team movements in and around vehicles. This is a full day of live fire and force on force. (8hrs/$250/150 rounds pistol and 75 rounds carbine required).
2-Day Active Shooter Armed Response- This class is perfect for armed citizens, law enforcement, corporate safety personnel.Team up with Apex Defense Group's top instructors to learn how to efficiently launch an armed response in an active shooter situation. Topics will cover active shooter response, muzzle discipline, precision shots, shooting in crowds, how to handle other responding personnel, a small trauma block, force on force, and more. 200 rounds of ammo required. All other materials will be provided. (16hrs/$325/175 rounds pistol and 25 rounds rifle needed)