Squad Tactics

Squad Tactics

Squad Tactics 101- This class will dive into patrol/squad tactics. Learn how to work as a cohesive unit while learning patrol tactics, ambush/counter-ambush, fire maneuvers, CQB, and more. No live-fire will be conducted, however there will be extensive force on force encounters. All materials provided. (8hrs/$150)

Dynamic Squad CQB- This class will be conducted in a 70,000+ square foot office environment working, room clearing and CQB applications for civilians and law enforcement. With the unique environment, students will go from confined office spaces to large storage rooms and 100 yard hallways. We will be training as squads and as a small team in team drills. A low light portion will be included as well. All materials will be provided. (8hrs/$150)

NVG and Darkness Squad Classes: 

Squad Tactics Darkness- We will be conducting squad vs squad force on force engagements at night working on reacting to contact, formations, patrols, CQB, and objectives. It will be a variety of terrains ranging from woodland, open, and urban environments. All materials provided. (3.5hrs/$85)

Squad Night Vision Tactics- This class is for night vision owners who want to test themselves in force on force squad scenarios in darkness. Learn how to navigate in dark environments as a team and react to contact as a unit in woodland, open, urban, and CQB environments. (3hrs/$85)

Squad CQB Darkness- We will be conducting squad vs squad force on force engagements in darkness during a CQB environment at our 70,000 square foot facility. We will be learning how to use proper light discipline and overcome the enemy in darkness. All materials provided. (3hrs/$85)

Squad Night Vision CQB- This class is for night vision owners to test themselves in CQB force on force scenarios in darkness. Learn how to navigate in a CQB environment with all of the pros and cons of night vision in such environments. This will be teams based! (3.5hrs/$85)


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