Self-Defense Classes

Self-Defense Classes

De-Escalation for Self-Defense- We will cover reading pre-threat indicators, what real command and control of situations look like, building scripts, real de-escalation, and hand to hand techniques! (4hrs/$85)

Self-Defense Concepts 1- This class will cover mindset, controlling distance, de-escalation, strikes, blocks and take downs. (4hrs/$75)

Self-Defense 2- This class will cover ground control from take downs, holds, escaping holds, and scenarios. (4hrs/$75)

Weapon Retention Fundamentals- If you carry a weapon daily, learn to defend your weapon and retain your weapon should you find yourself in an altercation. Topics will include maintaining control of your weapon on the ground, retention deployment, weapon retention knives, shooting from retention, and more. We must train to defend the gun we carry. (3.5hrs/$80)

Less Lethal and Baton Fundamentals- This is a class for citizens or law enforcement who carry or want to carry a baton for a non-lethal/use of force option. This class will cover de-escalation, strikes, blocks, take-downs, control tactics, and survival using a baton, plus more. All materials provided. (4hrs/$85)

Unarmed Active Shooter Response- We will look at active shooter statistics, timing, events, response, and take downs! (2hrs/$25)


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